Friday, June 20, 2008

Dia del casos

Oh man, full day yesterday, where to start... Well first we'll do a general overview, sounds like a good place to start anyways, we'll see. First off I did my dailies, nothing really cool there but I managed to nab two Badges of Justice. :D After that I managed to get a pug for Black Morass. Then it was back up to SW to try and get a croc, sadly didn't get the pet. ;_; Then came the first set of farming for the day! Had to gather 16 Heavy Clefthide Leather, 8 Primal Earths, 20 Knothide Leather, and buy a Primal Nether. Then a random pug through SV, only one wipe! And wrapping up with a really fun run through Botanica. :D

Alrighty, now to break those down a little more. First the dailies, finally worked out a routine to do all the ones I think are worth it, which makes it muuuuuch easier. Once I get geared I'm planning on stepping it down to just the four that give me a chance at justice badges, but for now I'm happy doing the 18 easy ones.

Then there was the nice pug through Black Morass. Excluding the fact that the shammy healer liked to keep me at <50% health it was close to awesome. I was yet again shunned by my D3 pants, but I did manage to get revered with the Keepers of Time which got me my new pants and sword. And thanks to the price of mats on the AH it lead to the afore mentioned farming run for leater and primal earths. Look a loooong time to get it all, but I managed to scrape together eight stacks of ore in the process, which is always nice.

Not to long after that I was picked up for another pug, this time through Steamvaults. While there was one wipe in this one, I think it went smashingly. Didn't take very long, got experience with the layout of the area, AND as an extra bonus I got to see two pieces of the hunter D3 set get sharded. Wulfa almost beat me about that.

And last but not least a really fun Botanica run. Lots of fun and dancing, not many deaths, AND an epic recovery during which we lost what I remember to be several people before finally getting everyone back to life to kill the boss. Sadly I don't think anyone got the pieces they needed, but much rep was gotten all around and good times had by all.

Something of an extended post, I got started writing this bugger around 9am and here it is 8:45pm and I'm finishing it up, oh well. Sorry if it's to rambly, I'm tired, shall post later!


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