Okay, so Saturday morning I start a thread on the Sidhe Devils forums and tell Wulfa to try and round some peeps up for some sort of KoT run that evening. I wasn't very sure it would happen, but figured hey? What's the worst that could happen? Well, as luck would have it we did manage to get peeps together and totally cleaned up in OHB. We only wiped once, and it was a rather funny wipe, as I really have no clue what happened. Somehow or another 3B's priest managed to get hate before I ever did, which resulted in Nas doing an AWESOME job trying to keep him alive while I cry and fail to take agro for more than a few seconds, all the while Nas is taking some damage. Then 3B finally bites it and it comes after me with a vengeance, while Nas is busy trying to get herself back to not "mostly dead". Anyways, long story short we wiped, came back, and totally kicked the Epic Hunter to the wall, complete bum kicking. Afterwards I logged, went to bed.
Then came this evening, long busy day at work, but finally, after much business, the greatly loved discovery ding of 70. Woot! Hallelujah and such! Many thanks to the various people who have helped me off group quests, or tried to anyways. Also thanks to Doodle for following me around for the last few mobs and healing me before I ran off for the discovery ding (which I still think is awesome. So now I just need to get geared up for uncrittable and uncrushable and also help Wulfa get goldies for her flying epic as well. Anyways, got work in 5hrs (go go 3am shifts) so I will post later about all the joys of 70. Oops, just realized I forgot to train, oh well.
Last two weeks workouts
6 years ago
Hooray! Gratz Ishvi! Good job on the levelling, and having fun while you are doing it!
Woohoo! I was happy to be there and I even got pics! Grats again Mr. Epic Flying Paladin! :)
Congratulations, man! Great job!
I'll catch up to you when I get back, you hear?
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