Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On the subject of...well, stuff

Well, as most people know, I recently hit 70. And as some of you may know I bought a epic flying with my accumulated fortune instead of buying high end tanking gear and trying to start doing stuff. So now I'm tasked with getting gear in order to maybe set up something nice and large, like MgT or Kara, however, from looking at the best suggestions I've been able to find, namely here, I've gleaned that most of my gear I'm going to have to go into instances to get. Which leaves me with two tasks, #1 to get shiny gear to tank with, and #2 to get shiny gems to put in the gear once I get it. Sadly this means I have to do two things, pugs and dailies. While dailies aren't bad at all, trying to get a pug together is a complete pain in the rear section. Currently I'm doing really nicely on the gold end, and I've gotten two of the pieces I'll be needing for my tank set.

Have I mentioned I hate pugs? I mean they serve a great purpose, but finding a good one takes so very, very long. And usually someone ends up having to leave for RL before you can finish it. Which leaves me with two options, one leave my guild to join one with a more regular instance running schedule (hahahaha, not happening) or figure out a way to plan instances with other guilds besides Sidhe Devils. While I really like that second option, I have no idea how to go about doing it. If anyone happens to know if something like this exists (preferably on Kael'Thas where I play) please post in the comments, or if you have any ideas. I mean, my guild is awesome besides awesome, but one of the reasons they're awesome is they place RL before the game. Which means those dang married couples just don't have as much time to play, and the ones with kids claim they have even less! Which I suppose I completely understand, I know from watching a series of friends' kids that kids are FAR cooler than WoW overall.

Also, I want to give my thoughts on the epic mount vs gear as far as the moment you hit 70. If you have the gold on hand I highly suggest the epic mount unless you have people waiting on you, if you're more than 500g short I'd say get your normal flying and get the gear. The reason for this is that once you get your epic flying doing dailies and herbing/mining become soooo much easier. Not that I've ever done dailies without an epic flying, but I imagine that they'd be an incredible pain. However, I really do not believe it's worth putting of getting gear for the amount of time it takes to get that flyer will feel much longer if you can't really do instances while you wait.

Welp, it's back to the grind so I can afford to pay that tyrant of a JC his exorbitant fees. *hides from 3B*



TheBigBearButt said...

Yeah, trying to herb/mine without epic flying sucks. No question.

You can clear an entire zone very fast on epic flying.

And for gear, why not also check out this official forum thread;

Beowulfa said...

Move closer so you can babysit my child. Now that I know you babysit other people's kids, well, you have no excuse ...