Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I. Am. Legend.

    Or something like that. I decided Sunday that I was gonna start getting up at 4:45 instead of 5:30 so I'd have time to run before work. Well...Monday and Tuesday didn't happen. At all. Well, I did pseudo run up all 8 flights of steps to the floor I work on, but it's not the same, just makes my feet hurt.

    Anyhoo, so I woke up this morning, watched some Bleach, and finally decided it was time to go be productive, so out the door I went.

    Now, I haven't run in over 8 months (I think) so I was aiming for basically walking a mile, but I decided to go ahead and see how far I could run before I had to stop. How far did I make it? A little over half a mile! Woooooo!

    That said, we'll see how much I cry when I wake up to run tomorrow (tonight is one of my evening classes). Welp, time to go finish getting ready for work, AKA more Bleach and finish stuffing stuff in my pockets/checking to make sure I have my badge/USB. 

Later ya'll
    Joseph W.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Body and Me

Welp, I haven't quite posted in awhile. I blame other people. I mean, have you READ Grai's recent posts? How am I supposed to compete with that!

Oh well, remember back when I started this blog? I think it was the 3rd paragraph or so where I mentioned the fact that I had TB. Welp, time has passed, and today I took the last of my Isoniazid (the antibiotic given for TB). Wooooo! Woooo! Woooo!

Life is good my friends. Not only am I fairly healthy (I have allergies, but hey, Waco's near famous for them), but Wednesday I started my first real project at work! Now the project itself isn't exactly momentous, but it makes for a very nice milestone, now I'm a real worker.

That's about it for now, but I'll try to get back into a more regular posting habit. It'd be somewhat easier if I could do it from work, but oh well.
