Thursday, June 25, 2009


Apparently I splice my sentences with to many commas. So one of my coworkers suggested I use semicolons, here's an awesome quote about them:

" not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites, standing for absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college."
-Kurt Vonnegut

Yay for semicolon controversy!

Personally I abhor the things and avoid them whenever possible, but what is your thoughts on them?


Fal's Folies said...

Ahh any quote from a favorite author of mine is a win. My grammatical skills are very limited so if I did use semi colons I would probably misuse them.

Rusty said...

Splicing two sentences with a semi-colon is perfectly acceptable, but if you use a comma, be sure to include a conjunction such as but, and, or, so, therefore, and the like.

See what I did there? LAWLS!!!

Mostly what I use semi-colons for are to vary my compound sentences; it gets old for readers to always see the same pattern in any writing.

I did it again! hahahaha