Monday, January 19, 2009


    Okay, so I started reading Greedy Goblin about a week ago just to try and make some cash. For those who don't know he's a fairly popular WoW blogger who has amassed a fairly insane amount of gold. And I'm trying to be a little less dependant on farming and dailies for cash.

     The reason I bring this up? Well he made a post about a conversation he had, it was pretty funny, but he went and posted another one, which wasn't so funny. I mean, he really was kind of rude to the person asking him. This bothered me at first, but later when I checked back for some reason he had removed the post saying he was going to post about it today.

     Fastforward to today, here's the post. Go read it real quick. Okay, on one hand I kinda still think he was rude, but on the other hand he has a really valid point.

     I've taken a communication class, and my mom has her bachelor's in communication and I recognize all of the ploys he's talking about (go edukayshun!). I've run across that sort of thing, though usually not that polished a lot. Usually from random strangers asking me to run them through VC or Stocks.

    Now I have absolutely no problem with running guildies through. Heck, usually I offer to do it first, just because it's fun. But even if they asked me, that's why we're in a guild, happy to oblige. But total strangers? Another story.

    The point of this? I'm not really sure. I guess just to help people understand that you can say a firm no to really nice people without needing to feel rude. Was he perhaps a touch ruder than needed? Maybe, but he also helped that person understand that he was asking a silly question, which he might not have.

    Welp, that's about it, cash post coming soon!


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