Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yay for school!

Every once in a while I sit back and think, 'man, I really hate time'. Not just converting time or recording time, but the fact that it doesn't move on a consistent base. One day I time might be passing at a 50% efficiency, meaning 120sec to every minute, and then the next day it's at around 200% efficiency (30sec to the min). And it's not just dependent on if I'm having fun or not! Or if I'm busy or not, some days just go faster than others...

Oh well, time marches on and things pile up...I'm a few weeks behind in my PC hardware class, a week behind in programming, about 10 hours behind on housework that I want to get done (and that has to happen before Thanksgiving), and now I'm having to start looking at what I'm doing next semester. Oh, and I need to find myself an IT job, or at least a paying internship.

That's most of what I'm up to, besides the time I've been spending on WoW (which I'm about to cut back). See the problem with WoW is the time I spend actually doing stuff on it isn't that great, it's the time I spend sitting there staring at the screen wondering what I want to do. Oh, and I think I may just stop reading web comics, those things suck sooo much out of my life it's not funny. Well, I mean they are funny, and have good plot lines (some of them), but they they're such a horrid time sink. I accidentally spent about two hours this morning reading Schlock Mercenary archives...which I've read...multiple times.

It really sucks to sit there and clearly see that your worst failing in life is apathy. I mean I don't even have a cool vice, like you know, being a pimp, or spending all my time being godlike on a game or sport. I just sit there, thinking of all the things I could easily do with my life. Anyhoo, I'm off to do some homework now, I'll try to make a less angsty like post later on.


p.s. bah, and I just remembered I have to make pumpkin pies this week

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