Monday, September 22, 2008

The Start Of Organization

So I may have been a little unorganized lately. And it might have lead to some posts turning into bad essays. But I plan on that changing! Hopefully that will be changing now, got some spiffy plans which may or may not happen.

First I plan on being much more self disciplined, I have a bad tendency to put stuff off until it HAS to be done, and then throw myself at it with a passion. This doesn't always turn out badly, but self discipline is good, so we're gonna do it. Plus it leads to horrid conversations where I end up having to confess that I only brush my teeth like, every other week... Anyways!

Second I want to start being more organized. Hopefully this will help with getting stuff done in a timely manner, and if nothing else will help me pretend to have time management. So you can expect to have at least a digest every Monday. No more of this saving up a months worth of news and dumping it on you in one post, hopefully.

Third I have regular plans with a friend from work and his family to come over and cook for them, which is AWESOME. I love cooking for people, it really makes me feel warm fuzzies. And it keeps me sharp with my cooking skills, which I'm very glad for, already have coworkers bugging me about when I'm gonna start cooking pies for work again. =D

That's it as far as plans that I have right now, I mean, I suppose I could put out my weekly schedule, might actually do that, but at the moment we're stopping here. Gotta go shower, get dressed, and you know, brush my teeth.


1 comment:

M&M Computer Repair said...

Nhunh! no one comments...
NO ONE, I tell ya! hehehehehehehe :)