Monday, September 29, 2008


So it's Monday again, so I shall post again! I actually have some fun stuff going on. Finally got my site up here. It's certainly not winning any awards yet, but it's there! Hopefully I'll get some more stuff added later, like links to my characters in armory, and eventually this blog. Oh, and if I ever get around to writing a program to make TOE charts I'll put it up there as well.

What else is new, got some fun antics planned for tonight with my wow buds. Wulfa knows something is coming, and 3B might have a inkling that somethings coming, we'll see. :D

School is going well, got some programs to work on and such. PC hardware should be fun tomorrow, taking a computer completely apart, motherboard out and all... Then I just have to get lots of homework done.

Just so everyone knows, I hate internet classes, I really do. If you know the subject like the back of your hand they're great, if you don't... Well professors are rarely the most accessible of people, they usually keep odd office hours and are hard to get a hold of outside of class. Take away that class time and it's near impossible to find them. Plus I have *shocker* self-discipline issues. I know ya'll never would have guessed that one.

Well, that's all for right now. Please add comments for what ya'll would like to see on the new website, give me something to work on. Oh! And I'll be adding a cheap review of what I think the patch is going to do to paladins soon. Hopefully before the patch itself.


p.s. If anyone knows how to add indentions with blogspot please tell me, it's bugging the crap out of me.


Fal's Folies said...

now you has comment

audrey said...

well, I love the format, the layout, colors, design. I'm just wondering what you're going to do with it???

I could see myself having one for piano/voice students. You know with all kinds of helpful interactive studying / enriching links and aides. Hmm, I might put you up to that in the new year.

joe said...

You know, you have two brilliant sons moving in with you in the near future, that's the sort of thing they'd love to do. Plus Rob is in charge of which you could use, is my plaything.