Saturday, September 27, 2008


Fun times are coming! Soon I shall have me own website! In the coming days I'll be migrating to (hopefully). I have the domain reserved, I have the hosting obtained, now I just need to get it activated and set up with a blog type thing.

There are a few reasons why I really like this, and I'll go into more detail later on, gotta jet for work in just a sec here. But yeah, my own domain. :D Very happy

On another note I dps'd Lower Kara last night, while I'm not sure if I did good dps or not I came to a conclusion that I kinda figured I would before but ignored... I hate retadin. Not retadins, just when I play one. So yeah, I'll prolly start shopping the gear here in a bit.

Switched out with Sux after Opera, I was quite happy though, he managed to get his T4 gloves. Woot! Go Sux! Other than that nothing horridly exciting, I died a lot. Then died some more. Oh, and Morthog mentioned that he should take his pants off when tanking Maiden, maybe that'd tick her off. Well, that put the idea in my head... So off when the pants and boots and I dps'd on her pantsless, sadly I don't think anyone noticed. Welp, away I go!


1 comment:

M&M Computer Repair said...

I promise to not comment there too! hehe