Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Stress and Over commitment

Hello again my adoring public,

So, the last time we got together I made a number of grandiose claims of how I was going to spend my time and what I was going to do in order to help better myself in delightful ways...

Well, with some of those I've been doing very well. I only logged into Facebook once, and that was to pull up something from a conversation, didn't even click on the 98 (98!) notifications I had. Video games I've also been doing fairly well with, though not entirely of my own volition (more on that later). I've logged into Retromud a couple times to check things but haven't actually *played* which I'll take as still improvements to be done there!

Then there was that itsy bitsy manner of writing chapter reviews on, well, everything I read. And that has hilariously gone out the window. I took good notes and wrote one for a chapter out of one of my Project Management books, took notes for another, and rapidly dissolved into just not having the time/brain power for the effort. As for my Bible reading...well I didn't read almost at all during ALS so I'm still working feverishly to catch up, which is hard to do when you start over a month behind and days won't stop passing, so no time to write right now, but maybe once I'm caught up I'll try and do something. Especially with some of the chapters from Psalms and Isaiah, a couple times I've thought it'd make a really good writing topic since it stirred them feelings, but every time I push on to try and eat a few more chapters to catch up. And fiction I still plan on doing it with, but I haven't read any fiction and don't know when I'm going to have time to read any...

Now that we've re-hashed some of what I talked about last time let us move on to the juicy new bits. As some of you may or may not know I'm not the biggest fan of my Job (not really getting into what I do because privacy, but feel free to email me and depending on if I actually know you or not I'll explain what I do). In addition to the normal part of my Job I've also been assigned as an assistant training manager, something I was initially excited about, and now just busy with. On top of that I received an additional Job that I ignored for the last few months (the last guy said it I didn't actually have to do anything with it and I believed him like the idiot I was). Come to find out not only is there stuff to do with it but there is an inspection on whether I've been doing the stuff...this month. So I've been scrambling to get that covered.

The combination of the school and the triple jobs I've been feeling incredibly stressed. To the point that after running at the gym (did I mention I have a PT test next week?) I felt about as close as I ever had to having some sort of panic attack/meltdown and nearly toyed with the idea of telling my supervisor that I don't give a flying fiddlers fart about any of this. Now, that's not actually entirely true but it would probably get me out of some of my additional work (and my line number for a promotion that will bring more, guess what, work), and probably streamline my leaving my Job in a couple years when my contract is up.

Oh, and I've been working on learning Japanese when I have spare time. This may sound like an additional stressor, but it's actually somewhat soothing, at least it is when I don't suck (I don't do it after 2am or the anger comes out).

Welp, that about wraps it up for now I think. If you have any tips for how to handle stress and over commitments when you can't actually take something away please let me know, I could clearly use the help.


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