So now for a nice little update on the status of mah characters. Hmm, where to start...
Ishvi: Got to play in the Ulduar vehicles for the trash clear last Thursday. Despite stepping out before we got to the boss (another guy really, really wanted in) he had a TON of fun. I really like that place. Oh, and he also finished out his tank set. Mmmmm, tanking sweet tanking. He's not up to par for Ulduar by any means, but he can tank Naxx and OS (not sure I remember all the Naxx ones, but I know OS well enough, not *that* hard.
Vishni(77DK/Trollbane): Poor girl must feel deserted, I haven't even logged in to her for a few weeks. She was trucking along for a good bit. Blew through outlands like it wasn't even there. Got the achievements for the Borean, the Fjord, and the Dragonblight...but then she hit 77. And with a fair amount of pressure she went and got regular flight (the 60% one) and cold weather flying. After doing one group dailies we were so fed up that we logged off...and haven't gotten back on yet. She'll probably get some love once 3.2 comes out and she at least moves as fast as her horse.
Vishni(70Shaman/Kael'Thas): Well this poor girl is being forced to go back and pick some herbs, once she gets it up to Northrend levels she'll start leveling again, but atm she's mostly waiting for a server transfer over to Anvilmar where she'll join two of my brothers toons (a lvl75DK and a lvl71 hunter) and start working her way to 80.
Prt(20Warlock/Anvilmar): Pretty well abandoned. I've tried and tried, just can't get into warlock. She made it up to 20, but is now pretty much a bank toon.
Päronskaft(6Warrior/Anvilmar): First time I've ever actually played a male draenei, and also my first real attempt at playing a warrior. Currently lvl6 he will probably level very, very slowly. Because honestly he's guildless and that makes playing him a PAIN in the behind, if I didn't want to play a social game I'd spend $10 on lemonade tycoon and stop shelling out money to blizz every month. Still, he's seeing the light of day on a decent basis. Well, for the two weeks he's existed he's been played twice, which is pretty good for my trial toons.
Minyades(19Priest/Anvilmar): Currently very close to my favorite toon, largely because I only play her with my brothers. Prot pally, rogue(hunter once we catch up with the little one he rolled there in a few levels), and her(currently holy because since we quest together the extra dps from shadow isn't as useful as the healing).
Vishnah(69Rogue/Kael'Thas): I love leveling as melee dps, I blow through things at an astonishing rate. And Vishnah is great for that, plus he has inscription leveled so he'll never have to farm freaking-stupid-retarded-horrid-hateful-less-than-fun Sons of Hodir rep. The problem? Parties. Namely I suck soooooo horridly at chasing mobs down that it's just plain sad. Though it is vaguely possible he might see a touch more of the light of day. I like competing, and you can't really compete as a healer, and the healers get mad when you compete as a tank (Pfft, you can pull three mobs? I can pull 30!). But all in all I don't think I'm going to put in the time (IE: stop playing my other toons) enough to actually get him leveled, and then geared.
And that's a lot of characters to try to keep track of (though Prt doesn't really count), but it's still six characters I have an interest in, and I certainly don't have enough time to see to that interest.
The solution? Well, Minyades gets first priority. I play her with my two brothers and that's really the reason I play WoW at all, if they quit I'd be out shortly after. Second to that comes Ishvi, I like heroics, and I like raids. So mainly on Sat/Sun nights (the only times I'm fairly certain I have free) I've told my GM that I'll prolly be available to raid and plan to try to do so. Third: Well, it's a mashup between Päronskaft, Vishni(shaman), and Vishni(DK) in more or less that order.
The result? Hopefully I'll start bein' a touch more productive about things, and Suvon gets a little less/delayed Ishvi love (the DK got rolled there to eventually tank heroics for the bum).
Last two weeks workouts
6 years ago
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