Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I. Am. Legend.

    Or something like that. I decided Sunday that I was gonna start getting up at 4:45 instead of 5:30 so I'd have time to run before work. Well...Monday and Tuesday didn't happen. At all. Well, I did pseudo run up all 8 flights of steps to the floor I work on, but it's not the same, just makes my feet hurt.

    Anyhoo, so I woke up this morning, watched some Bleach, and finally decided it was time to go be productive, so out the door I went.

    Now, I haven't run in over 8 months (I think) so I was aiming for basically walking a mile, but I decided to go ahead and see how far I could run before I had to stop. How far did I make it? A little over half a mile! Woooooo!

    That said, we'll see how much I cry when I wake up to run tomorrow (tonight is one of my evening classes). Welp, time to go finish getting ready for work, AKA more Bleach and finish stuffing stuff in my pockets/checking to make sure I have my badge/USB. 

Later ya'll
    Joseph W.


Rusty said...

Let me know when you're gettin' up at

I've chucked my WoW time before work in favor of Bible study time - much more productive. Now if I can only work in some sort of exercise....


joe said...

Yeah, Bible time would most certainly be better spent instead of Bleach time.

Speaking of time though, I forgot to mention it but I made that mile in 11'28"

Rusty said...

So, forgive my oldness...what's Bleach? I know what bleach is...but I doubt you're washing your whites or whitening your teeth or "Billy Idoling" your hair....


joe said...

Ah, it's a pretty good anime (cartoon). Kinda weird mix between modern day and samurai, but a good mix.

Anonymous said...

Stretch and drink lots of water!


Doin' good! /cheer

audrey said...

So now that it's March 13th perhaps a new post is in order?