So I can run 2.1mi in 29min. I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy about this or saddened by it. On one hand that's a lot more than I could do earlier this week...on the other hand that's a long way away from 1.5mi in <13min (the end goal).
Also to clarify not all of that is running. 4min walk, 8min jog, 4min walk, 8min jog/run, 3-5min walk back to the apartment. Next week is 4/9/4/9/3-5. And then the week after that (finally) will be 4 walk/13 run/3-5 walk. After I do that for a week I start picking a day of the week and try to improve running speed.
The ideal goal would be to do a 5k sometime next spring in <20min. Failing that I wanna do it in <25min. I mean, Rusty can do one in <30 and if someone that old can do it a youngster like me should be able to whip it out in no time.
Also: overall blog changes coming soon! They'll be shiny!
Last two weeks workouts
6 years ago